Monday, August 27, 2007

First Day.

Hello Members of the Blogosphere!

Today was my first day back to school and here are a few of my observations.

Staying up until 1a.m. the night before isn't such a good idea when you have to get up at 5.
All the girls who were pretty(some even beautiful) last semester but have picked up smoking; now look like total 80yr old skank women.

First day I get to class like 2minutes late and lo and behold the girl next to me has a mechanical pencil that squeaks everytime she touches it to paper. Then this like 35yr. old woman is named Teresa and shes like, "No. I go by Skye." What grown woman goes by "Skye"?

Composition 1:
I get to class and sit donw. I'm there like 3 minutes before I realize there is a huge wad of gum like 6in. in diameter under my desk and half stuck to my shorts. So I get up and switch the desk with the one in front of mine. Then, everytime the door opens to the classroom I see this guy walking back and forth down the hall. After 10 minutes of this he finally comes into the classroom and sits in the gum chair. Worst part was, the dude smelled like he had been wallowing in an ashtray.

Faulkener, hmm...this class should be a trip. First of, More chair problems. We have a room with chairs that are attached on an arm to the table. Then, the chair has a swivel on it so its basically a desk chair attached to a table. Thus, making it completly impossible to slump because you'll slip out of the chair. Then a man who looks like a total hippie comes into class and guess what his name is. Micheal HASH. Yes, thats right. The hippies real name is HASH.

U.S. History:
Ok, my history class is in the gym. Does anyone else find this strange? Aside from that, our teacher spent 45 minutes of a 50 minute class teaching us how to log-on to our new e-Learn system. Like we couldn't figure it out on our own. The other 5 minutes he spent explaining to us why he would not give us information on the phone. "HIPPA act say I can't give no info." "FERPA say you have the right to privacy and what not."
Bonus Points! This class also has swively chairs and my chair squeaks everytime I breathe.

No more classes yet. Although, I do have a Java 1 class with Mr. Parker on Monday nights so that should be fun.
Talk later
Justin "Joe"

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