Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Infinite Space

I often contemplate the existence of infinity. Time is completely irrelevant because time is made by man in order to provide a structure to things. I believe time was created in order to fulfill man's need for control. Since, we couldn't control something that was non-existent, we gave it a name and rules. Thereby, fulfilling man's need. Sometimes I try and think about infinity. Where does it start? Where does it end? I don't think one can think about time and not think about space.
I was swimming the other night and I live in a fairly rural area. (You can always see the stars, even in the middle of town. Unless, it's cloudy, of course!) I was swimming along on my back looking up at the stars when I suddenly felt myself sinking. I wasn't alarmed by this though, and let myself drift a few feet under. Still on my back, I looked up. The whole world seemed to be ending right in front of my face, with that silver mirror the water creates when you try and look thru it to the world in the air. As I floated further down, I realized I could not only see the silver mirror, but could see thru the mirror, to a darkness beyond. After searching my brain for and answer as to where the darkness was coming from, I realized I wasn't blacking out. Instead, I was staring thru the mirror that had revealed to me the magnified infiniteness of space and I suddenly felt "at one" with space and lost myself in thought. As I proceeded to the surface, it felt as if my body was being lifted into the infiniteness, absorbed into the fabrics of everything around me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow thats like really deep liek i wldnt and probably couldnt think of things like tht