Sunday, June 10, 2007

Dorks, Whale Penis, and Adam Underwood. Oh My!

This is a blog from myspace that I posted a few weeks ago, but its fun reading. :)

Ok so, I went to Fall Creek Falls this past week with for the home-schoolers family week. Anyway, Friday morning I got up and a bunch of friends and me, about 15 of us, took the flat bottom boats up the river. In my boat were 4 girls: Krystal, a 19 yr. old CNA, Lexie, a 15 or 16 yr old., Allison, a 19 yr. old college student and preachers kid, and Shoeey, a 16 yr old. So half way up the river Krystal goes Justin your a dork. And I say do you know what that means and she says no. I said its the Scientific Definition for a Whales penis'.

And we just laughed it off. The ^dictionary^ didn't mention the whale part.

Well a couple of hrs. later I see Adam Underwood, a local pastor and father of Allison. I sit down to talk to him because he used to give my mom piano lessons and our church choir singing lessons. The whole time I was talking to him he seemed distracted. Later that night we had chapel and he gave was the speaker. At 10 that night we were all gathered in the mess hall b/c it was leftover night and you could eat anything that was in the fridge. Adam comes up to me and says Can I speak with you for a minute? and i'm like yeah. So he takes me out next to the woods behind the mess hall and by this point i'm getting a little freaked out and he says,"You don't know me and I don't know you, but one of my daughters were in the boat with you this afternoon and apparently you said some pretty vulgar things." and I said, "Sir, I don't know what your talking about." and he says," I've ask around and I can't get anyone to repeat it but it was something about a whales anatomy." And I started laughing at him and I'm like,"Yeah, Krystal called me a dork and I ask her if she knew what it meant." I told him the same thing it says at the top of the blog. And he says,"Do you think that was honoring God?" and I knew he wanted to hear No so I said no. and Hes like," It may be a fact but theres even words in the Bible that we don't use anymore." Then, hes like,"Are you a christian?" and I'm like yeah. And he says well I'm gonna ask you to go apologize to my daughter Allison. (Allison is the 19 yr. old.)

So I go to Allison and I'm like," I apologize if anything I said in the boat this afternoon offended you." And shes like,"Yeah, I've been home schooled always and been in college a year and it suprised me."

Now come, on your 19 yrs old and a 15 yr old giving someone else a definition that includes the word penis? Thats a little ridiculous. You can't live in denial forever. Penis really do exist.



P.S. I apologize if me using the words whale penis offended youand I promise not to say whale penis anymore in your presence. So to end I'm sorry for saying whale penis and let this be my formal apology to the Sequatchie Valley Christian Home Schoolers for soiling their daughters minds.

P.S.S. Don't you have to take anatomy and physiology even if your a home schooler?

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