Sunday, June 10, 2007

Well....Now who wants to screw with people's myspace accounts?

My cousin is 12 yrs. old and I was at his house this morning and used his computer to check my myspace. Since, I was fixin to leave for work (at Riverbend(See Below)) I just walked away from his computer without bothering to logout. Well about 2 hours later I got a phone call from this girl I know and she was like, "Did you myspace me?" and I'm like no and she says well then someones hacked your myspace b/c they're messaging me. So, when I get back on my laptop I find this message in the inbox.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: JMAC
Date: Jun 10, 2007 1:56 PM

i never told anybod this and im even kind of nerves telling you espesialy but i like you

So, I'm like, "Andre!".
Well, I'm furious because he's been messing with my myspace and I'm not getting paid. When my aunt pulls up to pick me up from the festival I found out why Andre was in the car with us. He had gotten a VTD. A Virtually Transmitted Disease. I'm now posting this from the Children's Hospital around the corner from the festival.

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